Who’s ready for some incredible homemade sulfite-free oatmeal chocolate chip cookies?? These cookies were not only easy to bake, but taste incredible and have the perfect consistency. The oatmeal and chocolate chip combination has always been my favorite, but if you prefer raisins or don’t want either in the cookies, this recipe is easily customized.

It may seem typical to include a sulfite-free cookie recipe on my page, but for those of us who struggle with this allergy, we know how hard it is to bake without preservatives! It was important to me that I created some really satisfying desserts and snacks because I love chocolate, cookies, etc. and wanted to continue to include them in my life. Since I cannot have eggs, I need to leave them out of recipes and find substitutes in every meal that I am making. Also, it is very important I make my food from scratch so of course I needed to toy around with a good cookie recipe before really settling on one that meets my standards.
That being said, baking without eggs and preservatives can be seemingly impossible. Eggs are a main ingredient in many desserts and when I was first diagnosed with my allergy, it was so hard to satisfy my sweet tooth! But this recipe doesn’t need eggs and the process of creating the cookie dough helps with replacing the purpose of eggs in recipes. Another important part of this recipe is ensuring the cane sugar has that “real” sugary taste, because the cane sugar can be bland and fail to satisfy a sugar craving. I did this by including maple syrup (you can also use honey), and achieved a perfect level of sweetness!
Whether or not you can have sulfites, this recipe is perfect for people who love to include some not-as-nutritious snacks in their diets. I mean who doesn’t love a good cookie? So have a look at the recipe below and for my fellow preservative free friends enjoy these incredible sulfite-free oatmeal chocolate chip cookies!
Sulfite-Free Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies
- 3/4 cup Butter
- 1/2 cup Raw turbinado cane sugar
- 1/2 tbsp Maple syrup
- 1/2 tsp Vanilla extract
- 1 cup King Arthur organic unbleached all purpose flour
- 1 tsp Sea salt
- 1/2 tsp Baking soda
- 1/4 cup Boiled water
- 1 1/2 cup Organic rolled oats
- 1 cup Enjoy life dark chocolate chips
- Beat butter, cane sugar, maple syrup, and vanilla in a bowl until blended well.
- Add flour and salt and mix well.
- Boil water and combine with baking soda, then pour into mixture.
- Stir in oats and chocolate chips until combined, then place onto baking sheet using a teaspoon and bake at 350 for 11-13 minutes.
- Let the cookies cool for 5-10 minutes then enjoy!
Note: All my ingredients are organic unless otherwise stated. I used Nature’s promise oats and vanilla extract and raw organic maple syrup to ensure that I am limiting any possible sulfite intake. If you ever have any questions about the ingredients I use, please feel free to reach out via email or on my instagram page. I would love to share more information about ingredients and brands and can help provide information about the best options if needed!